One man came up to us and told us about another less-known shelter that had nearly nothing. This man, "Bradley" told me about an abandoned apartment building that was being used for overflow for both men and women. He described cramped quarters with one small bathroom and just one microwave for cooking any sort of food. He said that they often receive clothing donations but that they barely receive food. Bradley spoke with such passion to help his fellow friends at this center I just had to do something. So, I stocked up on microwave foods, baked a big batch of cupcakes and headed over to the office building he had described. You should have seen the look on his face when I walked through the door. "You came! You really came!" he shouted as he rushed towards me, tears just peaking out of his eyes and then I was engulfed in an enormous bear hug.
It is moments like this that truly make living wonderful. To make a difference in someone else's day is all I can ever hope for. Often times we overlook the less funded, the less well known, and maybe even the "homeless stereotypes." They need our help too. Everyone deserves a chance for a warm meal and a bed tonight. Please go out and find the people that need your help. Especially in this cold weather times are especially hard and the smallest gesture of kindness can make a HUGE difference.
I know I cannot wait to go see Bradley again so I can bring more cupcakes and hope to get to know him better and brighten his day. His gratitude and ability to help others in need even in his immense state of poverty shows that every action is important!
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
Yours Truly,
Miss Metro 2016 Meredith Olson
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